A lot of people may be wondering whats going on in the tech world today, one of the big announcements is the new introduction to Google Live Search that has ...
Just to fill our geeky-ness for the day, we thought we'd post this up as any true star trek fan should know or realize that through the ages (and with ...
Microsoft has just recently announced a new bundle coming to the US and across Europe. The new package has the new 250GB slim version of the 360 with the kinect ...
Now we all know that competition is good for consumers because it makes large companies strive to be better and to one up each other and give lower prices and ...
So despite what we had all been told at E3 this year Sony has pushed their Blu-ray 3D update back one month to make it now in October not September. ...
So Apple had their much anticipated iPod conference show today and we’ve got all the details for you wrapped up in a neat little package: iOS 4.1 Steve announced the ...
After many years of complaints from frustrated Street Fighter and Lumines fans Microsoft has finally found the time to come out with a reworked Xbox 360 Controller that is specifically ...
Well we’re nearing the end of the summer which means we’re heading into the last quarter of the year, and everyone knows what’s coming up right? Christmas season? Nooo we’re ...
Are you a Microsoft die hard? If so, sorry to let you know but Microsoft is raising Xbox live prices starting November 1st. The changes range depending where you live ...
From a new article posted in the financial times, apparently Google is in talks with major Hollywood studios about offering new big movie releases for viewing on YouTube on a ...