You won't find Sony actually endorsing this commercial for the Move anywhere, but you can definitely tell it has a strong Sony Influence to it. Take the time to check ...
So it seems that Best Buy has let yet another product slip before it’s official release date. Even though the new Playstation Move isn’t supposed to be available until September ...
So despite what we had all been told at E3 this year Sony has pushed their Blu-ray 3D update back one month to make it now in October not September. ...
It seems that almost every other day we’re hearing about special editions of games being released with extra downloadable content, CD’s, DVD’s and usually action figures. Now this one takes ...
After yesterday’s big announcement that Sony’s first Android powerhouse would finally be hitting US shores on August 15th, we decided to do a full review of the X10 for all ...
Sony has officially announce that the Sony Ericsson X10 will be finally launching in the US. After already receiving a decent reception in Canada, Sony Ericsson is hoping to expand ...