In a surprisingly shocking move, Telus has decided to finally put an end to the all annoying $35 activation fee that all customers pay on New Activations and Upgrades and ...
So Motorola keeping up their firm grasp on control over their phone’s software has issued an official warning to all Droid X owners to NOT INSTALL the leaked update that’s ...
So Motorola has updated their timeline again this time letting us all know that the Milestone for Canada (yay!) will be getting its 2.2 Update in Q1 of next year ...
Hey everyone, sorry to be slow on the posts the past couple of days, truth be told we’re actually in the process of expanding and moving the site so it’s ...
Hopefully good news for all us Canadians with the Milestone and those over in Germany and the UK, as twitter user o2myhandy posted (in German) that the Milestone would be ...