uTorrent, one of the web’s most popular Torrent downloading clients, has just got a nice makeover, one so big in fact, they’ve changed from 2.1 release to 3.0!
Just recently released is the new uTorrent 3.0 alpha client that not only provides a nice new look and some bug fixes/enhancements but it also introduces a new web interface that lets you control your torrents from an iPhone, iPad or Android device!
Another nice enhancement added to it’s impressive line up is a new protocol called Project Pheon that they’ve been working on for a long time. This protocol actually allows the streaming of live video broadcasts!
So far everything seems to be shaping up very nicely with this Alpha release and after a little hands on time with it, we at eTechTour have to say we’ve been converted back to uTorrent.
Recently we had been using BitComet but after doing a quick side by side comparison of features and speed (uTorrent blew BitComet away in terms of download speed) we’re convinced.
What does everyone else think of this?
Thanks for sending this in adam
You can download the new alpha 3.0 uTorrent here: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=63247
Source: www.utorrent.com
uTorrent already had a web UI before version 3.0 🙂